Engagement Manager

  • The ideal candidate should best be a Post Graduate Degree holder, preferably an MBA from a recognized Institution
Work Profile -
  • Approximately 5 years of work experience with students/ youth /alumni /similar profile
  • Good communication skills
  • Understands various social media platforms
  • Proven management and strong leadership skills
  • Experience in working with senior level executives and in the field
  • Innovative & creative style of developing presentations and documentations
  • Ability to set and manage priorities judiciously
  • Exceptionally self motivated and directed. Ability to motivate in a team oriented, collaborative environment
  • Keen attention to details
  • High energy, positive “can do” attitude”, flexibility, high degree of intuitiveness
  • Strong verbal communication skills and demonstrative ability to write clearly and persuasively
  • Demonstrated ability to think strategically and thorough understanding of strategic development
  • Excellent interpersonal and intercultural communication skills
  • Ability to manage budgets, prepare financial reports and matrix

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